Friday 23 January 2009


Synopsis: The Opening Scene will be an introduction of all the cast, in total there will five or six characters each one will be shown in their own trade, for example a pick pocket, hustler and getaway drivers. Simple characteristics, it will be a conventional sequence of animation, pictures, acting, etc. it will involve everything we can included to show our knowledge. The camera will move in the direction of the backs of the crowd obviously and then moves towards the characters one by one, it will have cut scenes. By cut scenes, this will show a freeze shot of the character, then change into black and white, finally it will replace the black and white image with a new video that comes across the screen showing the character doing their talent and then finally returning to the actual scene. This will occur with every character showing them at the best. Hopefully there will be a strong cockney accent for the narrator which would follow realism. The cut scenes will continue until the final character who is the lead, this will be a male and will be our main star who is doing the dodgy game. He will be appearing to impress the crowd with his tricks however after taking a wager with a customer he then ruins his hustle and fails revealing he is a cheat at which point he will show a shocked faced, he then grabs the money and runs with the other members of the cast. whilst running it will have a range of shots with titles included. as it is the title sequence.

Analysis of two Comparable Sequence:

Snatch (2000)

This is the sequence which we have used a few ideas from, such as the introduction of the characters, obviously we are not copying this but we like a few of the conventions used.
- Snatch opens with a group of Jewish Rabbi's who are in a diamond bank and it turns into a robbery
- It opens with long shots in the claustrophobic room of the group of Rabbi's (low angle to show dominance) and the bank manager who is isolated from any employees (high angle to show vulnerability)
- It then zooms into the middle Rabbi who has a variety of pistols on him, his colleagues them strip the weapons for themselves at this point the music which non-diagetic begins
- The scenes start moving quickly to show tension and chaos
- This has a good mixture of shot editing, including spinning and frame pushing to follow into the next shot
- The robbers then begin shouting and getting violent, this is a stereotype of criminals at which point we are not meant to identify with the criminals
- It then show them stealing and chaos continues until it stops the music at which point it shows they were stealing diamonds and they are in their get away vehicle
- It then begins to introduce the characters of the film using the freeze frame pictures and gives them their name
- Snatch employs a flowing technique to change the frames from character to character this is effective and makes the introduction flow well
- The title is then shown spinning inside a diamond which gives a huge hint into the films subject

Example 2: Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

This is another English example of a Crime Caper with an ensemble cast.

Mood Board:
This mood board is designed to show the gritty, tough areas of the developed world. The idea is to demonstrate the type of area these criminals will be operating in, some of this is unconventional of Hollywood films as the characters are portrayed (in Hollywood) to be wealthy, smart, hansom (or pretty). However in British crime capers they are often shown to be in a struggle to get out of their poverty. This is why there is a lump of cash, a ball and cup game (hustling) and a new car, these are the types of things the characters are going to be involved in or aiming towards. Also there is a stereotypical view of two four men gangs, once again men is the key word it is rare for females to be portrayed in crime capers as lead characters.



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