Friday 30 January 2009

Shot List

This is a list of the shots we will use for each clip:

1.interactive shot
2.c.u.s of 1st character
3.m.s of Sonny approaching a gentlemen in a suit
4.c.u.s of Sonny pickpocketing the man of his wallet
5.interactive shot of crowd again, c.u.s of 2nd character
6.m.s of Tiny training on a punching bag
7.return to crowd shot
8.c.u.s of 3rd character
9.c.u.s of car wheel spinning - car speeding off
10.return to crowd shot
11.c.u.s of 4th character
12.o.t.s of Billy at a computer "Hacking"
13.Return to crowd shot, camera reaches the front of the crowd
14.c.u.s of a pair of hands moving placing a ball under a cup and then switching the cups positions
15.m.s of the cup hustler hustling a member of the crowd, the hustle goes wrong. freeze on a c.u.s of the hustlers face -> shocked expression
16.l.s of each character running from the crowd, the camera follows them as they run down a passage etc.
17.l.s of the characters running past the camera, possibly followed by the title
18.possible b.e.v.s if we can use a block of flats
19.l.a.s of feet running towards and past the camera
20.a.s of characters climbing a fence, one character struggles - another helps
21.screen fades and title appears

Key of Terms:
-c.u.s: Close up shot
-m.s: Medium shot
-l.s: Long shot
-l.a.s: Low Angle shot
-b.e.v.s: Birds Eye View shot
-a.s: Action shot



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